I would like to announce SAP.how podcast. The plan is to have one video around hour long each week where I and another person (probably different guests) discuss various news and interesting topics regarding anything related to SAP.

The topics will be gathered in SAP.how Telegram supergroup, if you would like us to discuss something, you can post your suggestions there.


First videos will be published only on YouTube (filmed offline), but I would like to set the following goals for this podcast:

  1. It should eventually become a live podcast with live streaming on YouTube and Twitch.
  2. Audio version of the podcast should be available on iTunes and other podcast providers.


There are 2 main reasons for this podcast:

  1. Promote SAP.how on other platforms (mainly YouTube, possibly Twitch and iTunes).
  2. Create more SAP.how content aside from our usual articles. I personally think that thematic podcasts will be interesting in SAP community.


I plan the following format:

  • Live video feed. Live here means unmoderated, with all mistakes and pauses. This will allow later to do it live for real.
  • Video is split horisontally in 2 parts: my facecam and facecam for a guest. Sometimes I will switch to screenshare to show what we are currently discussing (e.g. SAP webpage with release notes).
  • Less than hour long. The podcast should end as soon as we are out of topics to discuss or at one hour mark, whatever comes earlier.